Entendendo o Cliente

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact – Chip Heath e Dan Heath English

The New York Times bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick explore why certain brief experiences can jolt us and elevate us and change us—and how we can learn to create such extraordinary moments in our life and work.

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Desvendando a Cadeia de Valor do Cliente

Desvendando a Cadeia de Valor do Cliente – Thales Teixeira e Greg Piechota Português

Com base em oito anos de pesquisa visitando dezenas de startups, empresas estabelecidas e de tecnologia, o professor da harvard business school, Thales Teixeira, mostra como e por que as indústrias de consumo sofrem disrupção e o que as empresas estabelecidas podem fazer a respeito

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Managing Customer Experiences in an Omnichannel World

Managing Customer Experiences in an Omnichannel World – Taşkın Dirsehan English

This edited book examines customer journeys, omnichannel retailing, digital and mobile marketing, augmented and virtual reality, gamification, artificial intelligence in marketing, blockchain applications and more to provide theoretical and practical methods of impact for businesses.

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