CXPA Peer to Peer CCXP Study Group
CXPA Peer to Peer CCXP Study Group Read More »
Our Topic Guides–CXPA members with extensive experience in the profession–have curated our most relevant, popular articles, whitepapers, and webinars to bring you the very best information on topics that are critical to your success.
Entenda na prática como dimensionar o seu volume de respostas e budget para pesquisas, considerando o tamanho da sua base de dados, taxa de respostas, jornadas e número de unidades.
Estudo de erro amostral aplicado ao NPS Read More »
Recentemente fui questionado por uma gestora de um grande hospital sobre o porquê o cálculo de NPS não considera os neutros, e o que fazer com eles afinal? A dúvida levantou vários questionamentos e debates internos em nosso time, e decidi ir a fundo e pesquisar conteúdos, artigos, e entrevistar profissionais e clientes sobre qual a tratativa ideal com relação aos pacientes ou clientes neutros.
O impacto dos clientes e pacientes neutros no NPS Read More »
During the pandemic, devastated customers reached out to customer service organizations to seek advice or support. In doing so, customer service became the lifeline for these customers.
Customer Service Technologies Are Variably Effective: Know Your Options Read More »
Every company believes it is customer-centric. However, most of them are product- and service-centric first, focusing on how to enhance their offerings rather than putting themselves in their customers’ shoes. To come up with truly innovative customer-centric ideas, companies must 1) Understand the problem the customer is trying to solve; 2) Identify and eliminate pain points; and 3) Look beyond their products.
Are You Really Innovating Around Your Customers’ Needs? Read More »
Winning companies aren’t led by customers. They target the customers they want, they then do as much as they can to satisfy those customers’ needs, and they don’t let themselves get distracted.
The Secret to Becoming a Market Leader Read More »
The JTBD approach offers a unique lens for viewing the people you serve. Instead of looking at the demographic and psychographic factors of consumption, JTBD focuses on what people seek to achieve in a given circumstance.
What is Jobs To Be Done? Read More »
O objetivo da métrica criada era a de medir o grau de lealdade dos clientes das empresas de qualquer segmento, trazendo reflexos da experiência e satisfação destes.